Wednesday, July 6, 2016

One Bread, One Cup

In June, three youth attended the One Bread, One Cup conference in Saint Meinrad, Indiana. One Bread, One Cup is a five-day liturgical leadership conference focusing on the Word, Sacrament and Mission of the Roman Catholic Church through community building, leadership development, catechesis, liturgical and spiritual formation and theological reflection. Our youth spent time in learning sessions for Cantor Development, Preaching for Liturgy of the Hours and Going Forth/Discipleship. 
They all had a wonderful time and learned so much!
 Here are a few photos from our flight and from the conference:

Someone was a little scared!

 Just Arrived!


In front of the Abbey Church

Honor Your Inner Monk

Flag Football Game

pit-stop at "The Comfy Cow" on the way home

Flight home!

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