Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Congratulations to our 2016
High School Leadership Institute
Graduates and Peer Ministers

Earlier this month, five of our parish youth participated in the Archdiocese of Baltimore's High School Leadership Institute (High LI).
The participants spent their week learning how to be missionary disciples and leaders in their parishes and schools. They attended workshops on Program Planning, Prayer, Music and Liturgy Planning, Success and Failure, Time Management, Public Speaking and Missionary Discipleship to name a few. They learned skills, practiced them, implemented them, were evaluated and critiqued, and practiced again. They spent time each day in prayer in the form of participant-planned prayer services and liturgies. They also observed Sabbath time each day. Later in the week, they enjoyed a day of rest at Gunpowder State Park. High LI is challenging but rewarding, and we congratulate these young people on their successful completion of the program.

Two of our youth who successfully completed High LI in 2015 returned to High LI this summer to serve as peer ministers. They also had a busy week, and they fulfilled their responsibilities well!

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