Thursday, June 9, 2016

Farewell, Rich Rome

St. Margaret Youth Ministry is full of goodbyes this summer. Senior peer ministers are moving on to college, older peers are moving on to their adult lives, and our catechists are moving on to new beginnings in their own lives. Just a week after we bid Karissa Pavelka farewell, we celebrated the departure of another catechist and friend. Rich Rome, a major part in our Youth Ministry and Confirmation programs for the past several years, will be moving to Chicago next month in order to enter discernment with the Franciscan brothers. Rich has helped on retreats, leading prayers and discussions, and taught Confirmation classes throughout the years, impacting the lives of so many young people in our parish. On Tuesday night, our peer ministers gathered for pizza, cupcakes, and to send Rich off with our best wishes. We surprised Rich with a handmade cross and a special memento from his many Confirmation retreats at the O'Dwyer Retreat House. We will miss Rich, or Richrome, as he is best known, as this Confirmation year begins. His many stories and conversation-starting t-shirts will always hold a special place in our hearts. Join us as we wish Rich the best as he enters this very special time in his life and as we pray for more young people to answer the call to discernment or vocations, just as Rich has. 

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